Name: Orange Park Medical Center

NPI Number: 1366898165
Address: 2001 Kingsley Avenue, Orange Park, Florida, 32073
Chargemaster Source: URL

Most recent prices added:
Code Description Price Last Updated
029105GO APP LONG ARM SPLINT OT $317 [source] 3 years ago
029125GO APP SH ARM SPL STATIC OT $450 [source] 3 years ago
029125GP APP SH ARM SPL STATIC PT $450 [source] 3 years ago
029126GO APP SHT ARM SPL DYNAM OT $689 [source] 3 years ago
029126GP APP SHT ARM SPL DYNAM PT $689 [source] 3 years ago
029130GO APP FNGR SPL STATIC OT $320 [source] 3 years ago
029131GO APP FNGR SPL DYNAMIC OT $390 [source] 3 years ago
029280GO STRAPPING HAND OR FNG OT $161 [source] 3 years ago
029580GP UNNA BOOT PT $532 [source] 3 years ago
36000 HC INTRO NDL/INTRACATH VEIN $391 [source] 3 years ago
36415 HC VENIPUNCTURE, ROUTINE $148 [source] 3 years ago
36430 HC TRANSFUSION BLD/BLD COMPONENTS $897 [source] 3 years ago
36511 HC THER APHERESIS WHITE BLD CELLS $1,662 [source] 3 years ago
36512 HC THER APHERESIS RED BLD CELLS $1,662 [source] 3 years ago
36513 HC THER APHERESIS PLTLTS $1,662 [source] 3 years ago
36514 HC THER APHERESIS PLSM PHERESIS $5,719 [source] 3 years ago
36600 HC ARTL PNXR W/DRAWAL BLD DX $113 [source] 3 years ago
59020 CONTRACTION STRESS TEST $1,512 [source] 3 years ago
59025 HC FTL NON-STRS TST $1,435 [source] 3 years ago
70030 HC RADEX EYE DETCJ FB $633 [source] 3 years ago

ChargemasterDB by Joseph Paul Cohen
A database of US hospital prices based on data made available by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS price transparancy rule 45 CFR ยง180.